Sunday, January 20, 2008

2008 thus far


This is kind of a quick update on what has been happening in the new year. Kerianne and I went to Winnipeg for Christmas and saw our family and friends. We were there for 2 weeks and then came home to Abbotsford to start the new year. I went to work on New Year's was my first day back in 2 weeks. I felt pretty good, definitely well rested. Hung out with Kerianne's friend Jocelyn for new year's and then had the 1st off like the rest of the country. Went back to work on the 2nd and lasted about half a day before I blew out my back. I was moving a rail tie (the wood beams under the track) and something just popped in my back. Went to the Chiropractor that day and he said that I had sprained a bunch of muscles in my left lumbar region. Lower back injury...fantastic.

So i have been off of work for the Thursday and Friday of that week, and two weeks since then. The last of which i got food poisoning or a bug of some sort, which made for a couple fun filled days of getting sick. That was a blast. Shortly thereafter both me and Kerianne got sick with something we caught from her niece and nephew. I think Kerianne got the worst of this one though, because she hasn't had a voice for 2 days now.

January just hasn't been my month. However, I didn't ever feel like saying, "why me, Lord" or anything dramatic like that, or even get frustrated, which is what i may have done in the past. Maybe I'm finally growing least enough to not bitch about all the crappy little things that happen. So that is a good sign. All and all, the experience sucked but it wasn't as if it became the temporary lens through which i viewed my life. It was just something that was going on in my life. Now, granted it was just a hurt back, puke-tastic diarrhea, and a cold, but when things hit you in succession like that it gets hard to stay positive. I'm a very negative person (it's all your fault dad ;) ) most of the time , so this was something for me to build on. Because while it is just an injury, flu and cold today, who knows what tomorrow will bring?