Saturday, May 09, 2009

The Salt of Life

I love women. In all of my travels and all the amazing landscapes and scenery, the trees, flowers and animals, in all the cultures and music and art, in anything I have seen in my life, I have found nothing that compares to women. I can't think of anything else as captivating and awe inspiring as a woman. In the beginning, my wife had a hard time hearing me talk about this. I think at the time she thought "women" meant "everybody else but me". She has less trouble with it since i explained to her that she is the crescendo of this movement in me. She is the ultimate expression of what I love so much about women. She personifies the qualities and characteristics that i have spent, and will spend, my life striving for, desiring and gravitating towards. Having said all that...there are others. 

Long before I met my wife there were other women that inspired me.  I remember being shocked when I realized (in part, and to briefly) the capacity to which I was loved by some of the women in my life. My Mom tops this list, followed by my aunt. I can't think of anything that has impacted and shaped my idea of what it is to love than the women in my life. And it all started with my mom. I have learned so much from her about patience and kindness, contentment in hard circumstances, and divinity in the everyday. It's no accident that women are the ambassadors of life. They are the best example of love that we have. We experience a mother's love long before we even know what it is. So show your gratitude guys. Life without women would merely be existence... an experience of time passing. They are the salt of life. They make everything better. As much as I love music in all its varieties and genres, its melodies and harmonies, the simplicity and complexity, its ability to capture a memory and create a moment; music and every other creative expression in the universe simply pales in comparison to women. 

So pay attention to the women in your life. Buy a flower, speak truth and gratitude. And don't forget to hug your mom.

~ Dedicated to all the women in my life, present and no longer with us. But especially to my mom, who always encourages me to write life, and live life as I see it. 
Happy Mother's Day