Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Answered prayer?

Well, a little while ago I picked up and moved across the country for a girl. I guess it worked out ok b/c i married her. But I left a fairly large and quality friend base back in the praries. I started to feel that void pretty quick when i was out here. The contrast between my former life and this new life was highlighted be the quality of men I was around. For the most part, i didn't respect anybody that i met out here. One night, i prayed a prayer that i had prayed previously..."God, please surround me with godly men", then i went away planting for the summer and forgot about it. Planting was good b/c i got to hang around some really good men and be "in the wild" so to speak. It was a great time. But when things settled down for me again after I got married I was starting to feel the same way I did earlier. Lonely.

Don't get me wrong here, marriage is great and i experience a level of unity with Kerianne that i have never felt with anyone else, but everybody needs to be loved. Everybody needs companionship. You cannot rely on your wife to supply all of that all the time. You need friends.

I have started a new job this monday. I am framing again, but this boss is completely different, and so far, so is the crew. These guys are great, and as it stands right now do respect them. That is a nice feeling. There is some good potential here for some really decent friends. So that's really brightening my spirit.

Just wanted to say thanks God. We'll see where this goes. I'm pretty pumped though.


Anonymous said...

I got you on the friendship circle stuff and how hard it is to start over or just be in a place where you know no one. I hope this is the start of something amazing. Too bad life spreads us across the country. The only comfort is that when we get together again, it'll be just like when we left off. Your friend whether you like it or not! Jimmer

Anonymous said...

R U EVER going to blog again? Wake up! jz

Anonymous said...

testing testing 123