Sunday, February 08, 2009

Moving on...but first...

I don't understand why people who have made themselves super busy think they have the right to hate on those who haven't. Get a clue. I'm so sick of these little comments like "must be nice" or "wish i could do that". As if you couldn't! You have scheduled your life according to what is important to you. So have I. They're different because you don't care about the same things as me and visa versa. Here's a little reality check for the busybodies out there. If you have your schedule crammed to the gills by your own accord and then think that you can pull some sort of martyr card, you're an idiot. Things get hectic in life (life's like that), and we want to bitch and moan about how hectic life is (this probably isn't super healthy but everyone does it, myself included), but when we take it to the next level and hate on people whose lives are currently more calm then ours, we're being stupid. That's totally inappropriate and very petty. We all need to unplug once in a while. If you know someone who is taking some "unplugged" time, leave them to it. The time when you need to divorce yourself from your current roller coaster ride is probably closer than you think. And if you have someone whinging about why it's you and not them, I challenge you to relax. So do us all a favor and take 5 minutes for yourself... because nothing says Zen like some asshole jeering at you from the sidelines.  

1 comment:

Tawmis said...

maybe a little cruder than I would have put it, but right on my friend. I think its jealousy mostly. I really like that point about when people say, "I wish I could do that," and you respond, "As if you couldn't!" That's good stuff, I never thought of it. I just remember in tree planting where everyone would try and convince everyone else that they worked the hardest for the least amount of pay. Because people feeling sorry for you makes everything better. ha ha....