Friday, September 16, 2005


So here i sit in Peurto Viejo, Costa Rica, the ocean blowing in on the rocks just outside the door of the little tourist shop I'm in (that happens to have a computer) with a full stomach and mind. Today i spent the day riding a bus to get here, and I was wondering if riding the bus might do everybody a little good once and a while. It seem that the bus creates an opportunity to mull things over. It gives you time to think about stuff that is happening to you in your life. I guess it gives you time to process. It is pretty much like having a limo driver take you everywhere....there is just a lot more people in the limo. So I'm sitting on the bus thinking about life when I realize something. I think about stuff that stresses me out from time to time. Especially in the quiet moments. It is almost as if i cannot get away from the daily grind. The chaos. The infinate distraction. I would be a lot better off if i just sat on the bus and looked around at the beautiful people beside me. Watched the homes go by and wonder what the people in each house are living like, thinking about, dreaming about. That's more like it. That is what i should be doing on the bus. I should be dreaming. I should be thinking about a time when I can relax and not let the pressures of life flood in and ruin the beauty and wonder that one day can hold. I want to dream while I am awake. As i told a friend, "Quit thinking and start living". We let worries cloud our decisions so often. We back away from dreams in the face of "what if's". I think I am going to try to sleep while I am sleeping and dream while I am awake from now on. Not all the time but a little each day, and definitely more than I am worrying. Maybe dreams are the opposite of worries. That is a question for another time. Until then I'll leave you with this:

"dreams are born in the hopes of an awaken man, because those who do not dream, do not know how to live. Wake up and dream"

1 comment:

anja said...

nice to read your post. i hope u have a chance to look at the people beside u more..i kno whwat u mean i was so used to thinking and processing while i commuted but i never get that time anymore surrounded by gently rocking strangers coz i have to drive myself everywhere...