Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I'll blog more later, but i just wanted to write a quick post and let those of you who actually read this that I feel like I am getting some stuff straightened out. It feels good. Feels new and yet familiar. Things seem better with me and Kerianne as well. Not that they have been bad lately. We had a pretty rough go of it for a while there but once this stuff started becoming a little clearer, i felt that tension lifting. Now that I am getting direction a little bit, i feel it lifting some more. Well, sorry this is so short, but i want to go to bed. I'll write more shortly.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Cory,

just wanted to say I'm really happy that you feel your kind of coming on to a new level in your relationship with God. I know you've been kinda frustrated for a while, and its really cool to see you move past that, I knew you would. take care man.
