Saturday, February 11, 2006

Who got served?

I have been thinking about where I can serve, lately. No, not waiting tables. I could never do that. I would find it impossible not to make fun of the guy on the first date scenario. You see them, all awkward and stuff, and part of me wants to break the tension so that they can have a good time and the other part wants to up the anti and increase the pressure to see what comedy will come out of the situation. It's the angel/devil scenario. Do something like whisper to the guy (in earshot of course), "Hey....... we got it unplugged...took three guys and cordless drill, but we did it...just thought you'd want to know. (look at the girl, smile, slap the guy on the back) This guy packs one hell of a punch, let me tell ya! (whispering again to the guy) Nice going, she's hot!"

Whoa! Blown of course a little there. Oops. Anyways, serving in church...or something. I know that it will basically force me to talk about God and give me a sort of springboard back into journeying with him. There is other stuff that i can do in the mean time. I know I can study my bible (which i will), go for walks or something (which I will), and pray (which I do), but it is really hard to get the motivation to start this stuff.

It is hard to desire something that will improve your quality of life when you are not seeing results. I know you have to actually step out and do it to see results but, you know what i mean. The temptation to settle is strong in me. I'm lazy i guess. It's like going to the gym...I would have to drag my ass out of the ass groove that I have left in the couch after watching the 11 hour family guy marathon, and to do that i would have to move the 5 bags of chips, 7 empty beer bottles, bag of nibs, chocolate bars, pizza boxes, and scattered skittles and M&M's from around and a top my body before i can make the proper dismount to get up and go, and I REALLY don't want to do that...but if I can somehow do it, once I am there I am glad I came. Funny thing is, that realization won't make the battle any easier next time especially if it is spaghetti night!

Anyway, the realization that this stuff is good for me is there, but it doesn't make it any easier to start the process. I think right now it would be a colossal mistake to jump in with both feet. Baby steps seem more appropriate right now. So I have started praying again and talking to God a bit. Today I think that I will go for a walk and just process life.
I feel like this process will be very much akin to introducing a tranquilized animal back into the wild. At first I'll be wondering "Where am I?" and "Why am i here?", but hopefully i will eventually adjust to my new surroundings and slowly make my way deeper into the jungle.


Anonymous said...

comment trial

Anonymous said...

I'm testing this too, because I already left a comment, and it didnt' work...

Anonymous said...

Hey Cory,

It's cool to see you putting some plans into action with the intention of getting to know God better. That's what it's all about, right?

You know in the Christian faith we talk alot about "jumping in with both feet," but I defineately agree with you in your strategy here... just baby step it. I never told you that after I wrote my last comment in you blog, I was asked to speak at a UCM meeting, and guess what I spoke on? Practical Chrisitianity.

Since you took a couple of things from that message to heart, let me add a thing or two that I added to my message.

for one, just remember that God ultimately dictates how much we need to adjust. He's the one we're accountable to in how much we pray, read the Bible, etc.

The other thing is remember to KEEP MOVING! I know that when we resolve to do something, sometimes we can get discouraged because we're not quite following the plan, or like you said, we're not seeing results. but you gotta remember satan's gonna try and get you to stop these things at all costs. Don't get dicouraged! Keep movin'!

Once again I write in the hope that God would use me to enourage you at least as much as you have been an encouragement to me. Take it easy.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cory,

It's cool to see you putting some plans into action with the intention of getting to know God better. That's what it's all about, right?

You know in the Christian faith we talk alot about "jumping in with both feet," but I defineately agree with you in your strategy here... just baby step it. I never told you that after I wrote my last comment in you blog, I was asked to speak at a UCM meeting, and guess what I spoke on? Practical Chrisitianity.

Since you took a couple of things from that message to heart, let me add a thing or two that I added to my message.

for one, just remember that God ultimately dictates how much we need to adjust. He's the one we're accountable to in how much we pray, read the Bible, etc.

The other thing is remember to KEEP MOVING! I know that when we resolve to do something, sometimes we can get discouraged because we're not quite following the plan, or like you said, we're not seeing results. but you gotta remember satan's gonna try and get you to stop these things at all costs. Don't get dicouraged! Keep movin'!

Once again I write in the hope that God would use me to enourage you at least as much as you have been an encouragement to me. Take it easy.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cory,

It's cool to see you putting some plans into action with the intention of getting to know God better. That's what it's all about, right?

You know in the Christian faith we talk alot about "jumping in with both feet," but I defineately agree with you in your strategy here... just baby step it. I never told you that after I wrote my last comment in you blog, I was asked to speak at a UCM meeting, and guess what I spoke on? Practical Chrisitianity.

Since you took a couple of things from that message to heart, let me add a thing or two that I added to my message.

for one, just remember that God ultimately dictates how much we need to adjust. He's the one we're accountable to in how much we pray, read the Bible, etc.

The other thing is remember to KEEP MOVING! I know that when we resolve to do something, sometimes we can get discouraged because we're not quite following the plan, or like you said, we're not seeing results. but you gotta remember satan's gonna try and get you to stop these things at all costs. Don't get dicouraged! Keep movin'!

Once again I write in the hope that God would use me to enourage you at least as much as you have been an encouragement to me. Take it easy.

Anonymous said...

hey guy (imagine this in asia accent). why are always make own comment for blog? why are always say "this is test"? you are make look like 5 comment, but really only tawmis is comment one time. maybe you are look like you have many friend. so here is mine comment:

cary, you are good guy. sometime you are need long walk to think. sometime i am also take long walk in jungle. here jungle is cement, but still it is make me afraid sometime. i am think that when you are looking for answer from God He is give answer when and where we are not expect. maybe you are take baby step but God is see you are take big step. in past month i have seek answer from God and His answer is "READ MY WORDS". then i have decide to make read Bible mine priority. so now every day after i am have school i am read 3 chapters. this is big blessing to me. previous i am only read before bed, but i am tired at this time so i am read only small or i am not understand. now i am read in prime of day so i can be read big and i am understand more. God is also help me with problems. like He is say to me "if you are listen to Me and if you are read My words; if you are serious about Me, then i am more ready to listen to you and i am can hear to you better." i am not read so God is give me answer, but because i am serious about Him and now He is also more able to helping to me. i am pray about this often. God is good. and His word is also good. it is give me nourish.

and so i am say to you, make read Bible priority if you are not already.

Your frien,

Special Dan

Anonymous said...

remember, serving God doesn't have to be 'in a church' ...find your passion and seek a 'place' where that passion takes form naturally....where God opens your eyes to need... and then the eyes of those you touch with your gifts to see 'practical servanthood' in action....check out who the Lord hung out with....He wasn't so keen on all the 'rules' the christians of that day chose to live by....legalism -ick! Jesus chose freedom. Allow freedom to guide your course; your choices. Stay in prayer; He will guide your heart to that place He wants to use you.