Friday, August 12, 2005

God's will?

Sometimes i wonder if God's will is something that circumstances make us aware of. TOnight me and Kerianne went and looked at a place that we were intending to stay after our honeymoon. It wasn't exactly what we were expecting. The thing is this place came up just as we starting praying for a place to live. So....if this is God's will for us, shouldn't we have felt a peace about it? Neither of us felt it was really wrong but neither of us felt it was realy right either. So do we suck it up and assume that it is God's will and write off our feelings as insulting to God? Are we looking a gift horse in the mouth here? Or do we keep searching concluding that this isn't a part of God's divine plan, it was merely coincidence? Or do we forego all the dramatics and just find a place we like better? I am learning about being a husband in these last 2 weeks, before we're married. In the sense that We are doing married couple things like looking for a place to live together. It is tough. Kerianne gets stressed about this stuff sometimes and I have to really be the trailblazer in these areas. I think that leaving this as a plan B while we look at as many places as we have time for before the wedding is a good plan. That way we have something to fall back on if we need it. God's will is too mysterious for me. I'll never figure it out. I'll just make the best choices i can, and hope that he is behind me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOOh! This could be a messy discussion Cory. What if I told you that you were responsible for the choices you make and God's will isn't set? Or what if I told you that the future isn't written, and we have more ownership of that than we would choose to believe? Just some thoughts. I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Maybe God is more open about our lives than we think...or maybe this idea of a perfect plan isn't so perfect in a world that is imperfect even if God is perfect. Think about it...seriously. On the practical note, what you are doing is what I would have done! Check out the other stuff before you jump the gun. No harm in being safe. Last time I checked, God gives us the desires of our heart. Feelings are pretty important, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth (what the heck does that mean anyway?). Just some random thoughts. James